2014年1月10日 星期五

airdecloak-ng -- 移除遮隱訊框的工具

從 pcap 檔案移除 wep 遮隱(cloaking)用訊框,有些 WIPS會傳送一些假造的wep訊框用以愚弄 aircrack-ng,此工具就是為濾掉這假的訊框
基本語法airdecloak-ng [options]

-i <input_file>之前擷取封包存檔的檔案路徑(必要)
--bssid <BSSID>指定過濾來源 AP 的 Mac address  (--bssid 
--ssid 二擇一使用)
--ssid <ESSID>指定過濾來源 AP 的 ESSID (代碼) (本項功能尚未實做)
--filters <filters>指定過濾元素,可用元素如下:(如用多個,用 , 分隔)
signalTry to filter based on signal
duplicate_snRemove all duplicate sequence numbers for both the AP and the client
duplicate_sn_apRemove duplicate sequence number for the AP only
duplicate_sn_clientRemove duplicate sequence number for the client only
consecutive_snFilter based on the fact that IV should be consecutive (only for AP)
duplicate_ivRemove all duplicate IV
signal_dup_consec_snUse signal (if available), duplicate and consecutive sequence number (filtering is much more precise than using all these filters one by one)
--null-packetsAssume that null packets can be cloaked (本項尚未實做).
--disable-base_filterDisable the base filter.
--drop-fragDrop all fragmented packets. In most networks, fragmentation is not needed.


airmon-ng start wifi0 6                                                                     開啟監聽模式
tcpdump -n 65535 -i ath0 -w wep_cloaking_full_speed_dl.pcap     擷取網路封包
aircrack-ng wep_cloaking_full_speed_dl.pcap -b 00:12:BF:12:32:29 -K -n 64 -d 1F:1F:1F     嘗試破解 WEP 密碼
airdecloak-ng --bssid 00:12:BF:12:32:29 --filters signal -i wep_cloaking.pcap         移除 cloak訊框
airdecap-ng -w 1F:1F:1F:1F:1F wep_cloaking.pcap                進行封包檔解碼

